The Darlington Bands proudly congratulate Xander Bickers, a seventh-grade trumpet player in the Middle School Band, for making the Middle School District VII Honors Band! This took tremendous preparation, as it is very competitive to make the honors ensembles of District VII.
Our Upper School Band applauds Will Bowerman for making this year’s District VII High School Honors Jazz Band. A sophomore day student who has been playing trumpet in Darlington’s band program since fourth grade, he is the first Darlington band member to make this honors band at the high school level.
We would like to congratulate Knox Merritt for successfully completing the auditions and receiving a high score, which won him a seat in the clarinet section of the 2024 District Honors Band!
In this episode, Director of Fine Arts Kim Tunnell talks with Orchestra Director Annie Camp, Band Teacher Damon Harvey, freshman Gracie Cowan and senior Jack Quandt. Together, they talk about band and orchestra, programs that start as early as third grade at Darlington, and how instrumental education provides students with the ability to build soft skills that allow them to excel in all areas of student life.
The Darlington Bands proudly congratulate Xander Bickers, a seventh-grade trumpet player in the Middle School Band, for making the Middle School District VII Honors Band! This took tremendous preparation, as it is very competitive to make the honors ensembles of District VII.
Our Upper School Band applauds Will Bowerman for making this year’s District VII High School Honors Jazz Band. A sophomore day student who has been playing trumpet in Darlington’s band program since fourth grade, he is the first Darlington band member to make this honors band at the high school level.
We would like to congratulate Knox Merritt for successfully completing the auditions and receiving a high score, which won him a seat in the clarinet section of the 2024 District Honors Band!
In this episode, Director of Fine Arts Kim Tunnell talks with Orchestra Director Annie Camp, Band Teacher Damon Harvey, freshman Gracie Cowan and senior Jack Quandt. Together, they talk about band and orchestra, programs that start as early as third grade at Darlington, and how instrumental education provides students with the ability to build soft skills that allow them to excel in all areas of student life.