In 1905, a group of young graduates along with John Paul and Alice Allgood Cooper, found themselves moved by the memory of a former teacher. That man, Joseph James Darlington, had taught them so much. Not only through lectures and books, but through his character, his insatiable desire for knowledge, and his concern for the greater good. These students came together, and from that desire to honor their teacher Darlington School was born.
Mr. Darlington's legacy of child-centered holistic education lives on in the approximately 750 students in grades pre-K to 12. Our school community builds character and connection through a representation of an average of 15 states and 20 countries worldwide.
To quote from the original charter, Darlington was organized and incorporated “not for pecuniary gain” but “for educational and literary purposes, in which may be taught all branches of learning.” Today, Darlington is so much more than a college-preparatory school. It's a place where curiosity can grow into wisdom. A place where empathy transforms into service. And where honesty galvanizes into honor.
“The Curious Savage”
The fine arts department and the Darlington Players present "The Curious Savage" by John Patrick for this year's fall play production.
As Darlington kicks off its Alumni Weekend celebration today, the Alumni Office is pleased to announce that R. Crawford Brock ('72) is the recipient of the 2024 Distinguished Alumnus Award.