Darlington's fine arts department and The Darlington Players will present Disney’s "Newsies, the Broadway Musical" Feb. 21-23 downtown at the historic Rome City Auditorium. Show times are 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday.
Darlington School and the ALICE Training® Institute have teamed up to bring ALICE Instructor Certification Training to Rome, Ga., on May 29-30. The course, which is open to law enforcement and other community groups, will be held on campus at Darlington's Thatcher Hall.
Mitch Jordan (’90) has been appointed athletic director at Darlington, effective July 1. Jordan has more than two decades of experience in independent school education and athletics, serving most recently as athletic director at Mount Paran Christian School.
Students in grades 6-12 are recognized based on their grade average for the semester, as follows: Headmaster's List, 95 or higher average with no grade below 90; Director’s List, 90 or higher average with no grade below 85. Grades for Upper School students in Honors or Advanced Placement courses are weighted five points for Honor Roll computation purposes.
Darlington alumni Pat Arrington ('79) and Bob Berry ('64) are set to be inducted into the Rome-Floyd Sports Hall of Fame at the annual induction ceremony and banquet on Thursday, March 6 at the Forum River Center. Seniors Emma Hunt and Atlas Kosedag will also be recognized at the event as Darlington's winners of the Rome Orthopaedic Student Athlete Scholarship.
Darlington School will officially welcome the holidays with the 41st Annual Service of Lessons & Carols on Sunday, Dec. 15, at 7 p.m. in Morris Chapel. This free event is open to the public and sponsored by the Darlington "Y" Cabinet, and will be led primarily by members of the student body.
Outstanding athletes in varsity competition cheerleading, football cheerleading, cross country, football, softball and volleyball were recognized at the Fall Sports Assembly in Morris Chapel.
Darlington students in grades 3-12 participated in Darlington's 8th Annual Technology Competition on Nov. 15, showcasing a wide variety of projects that highlighted their skills in animation, 3D design, video production, robotics, programming, and everything in between. A total of 85 students competed in 14 categories.
Darlington's fine arts department and The Darlington Players will present Disney’s "Newsies, the Broadway Musical" Feb. 21-23 downtown at the historic Rome City Auditorium. Show times are 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday.
Darlington School and the ALICE Training® Institute have teamed up to bring ALICE Instructor Certification Training to Rome, Ga., on May 29-30. The course, which is open to law enforcement and other community groups, will be held on campus at Darlington's Thatcher Hall.
Mitch Jordan (’90) has been appointed athletic director at Darlington, effective July 1. Jordan has more than two decades of experience in independent school education and athletics, serving most recently as athletic director at Mount Paran Christian School.
Students in grades 6-12 are recognized based on their grade average for the semester, as follows: Headmaster's List, 95 or higher average with no grade below 90; Director’s List, 90 or higher average with no grade below 85. Grades for Upper School students in Honors or Advanced Placement courses are weighted five points for Honor Roll computation purposes.
Darlington alumni Pat Arrington ('79) and Bob Berry ('64) are set to be inducted into the Rome-Floyd Sports Hall of Fame at the annual induction ceremony and banquet on Thursday, March 6 at the Forum River Center. Seniors Emma Hunt and Atlas Kosedag will also be recognized at the event as Darlington's winners of the Rome Orthopaedic Student Athlete Scholarship.
Darlington School will officially welcome the holidays with the 41st Annual Service of Lessons & Carols on Sunday, Dec. 15, at 7 p.m. in Morris Chapel. This free event is open to the public and sponsored by the Darlington "Y" Cabinet, and will be led primarily by members of the student body.
Outstanding athletes in varsity competition cheerleading, football cheerleading, cross country, football, softball and volleyball were recognized at the Fall Sports Assembly in Morris Chapel.
Darlington students in grades 3-12 participated in Darlington's 8th Annual Technology Competition on Nov. 15, showcasing a wide variety of projects that highlighted their skills in animation, 3D design, video production, robotics, programming, and everything in between. A total of 85 students competed in 14 categories.