Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Day #SeniorSpotlight: Will Hughes
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Day #SeniorSpotlight: Will Hughes

Tannika King | April 19, 2022 | 377 views

A Darlington student is made up of many things. None of which is average. We help our students develop their interests, passions and pursuits, because we believe every individual has something to contribute. We also believe that only when you're 100% you, are you 100% Darlington. 

Here at Darlington, every student’s path is different. We think that's a good thing. 

In this #SeniorSpotlight, get to know Will Hughes, a nine-year day student from Cedartown, Ga., who plays in the Stadium Band.
When you think of Darlington, what three words come to mind first?
Diversity, intelligence, success

What's your favorite show to binge watch?     
“Family Guy” and “Big Bang Theory”     

What house are you a member of?     
Summerbell House    

What are you involved in at Darlington?
Tiger Expert, golf team, Wind Ensemble and Stadium Band    

If you play sports, who is your favorite coach and why?    
My favorite coach is Coach Willerson, who coaches the golf team. He is a very good golfer and understands the life of a high-schooler. He helped my golf game while also being a good person to talk to.     

If you’re involved in the arts, what’s your favorite activity and why? 
My favorite fine arts activity has got to be performing concerts during the Christmas season with my bandmates in the Wind Ensemble. Christmas music is the most fun type of music to play as well as perform. Mr. Harvey, as well as the rest of the Wind Ensemble, has done an incredible job putting out music during the pandemic, including multiple virtual concerts.     

What's your favorite place on campus and why?    
The library is my favorite place on campus because that's where I spend most of my office hours or free period time either studying or socializing with friends.     

Who's your favorite teacher and why?  
There are so many great teachers at Darlington so I have to pick more than one. I would say Mrs. Sikes, Mrs. King, Mr. Inman, Mr. Owens, and Mr. Allen. Mrs. Sikes has been a great friend over the last four years and she is so easy to talk to. Mrs. King made a class that I thought was going to be boring into a relaxing class that was addicting to learn about. Mr. Inman had the ability to make the most boring topics of history hilarious just by his sense of humor. Mr. Owens is a very funny person to talk to while also informing me on global issues that I didn't know existed. Mr. Allen made psychology a class that was very interesting and made me think differently about everything I do, learn, or say.     

What's your favorite thing about Darlington?    
The fact that I can drive 20 minutes down the road and talk to my friends that live on the other side of the world.      

Describe an experience that you've had at Darlington that you couldn't have had anywhere else.     
Developing relationships with people from all over the world is something that can't be done anywhere except Darlington. I have met people from places such as China, Nigeria, and Germany just from being in the same class as them or through Stadium Band. Currently, I text and call my long-distance friends that I met through Darlington on a daily basis.         

What are some of the ways you've grown since you first came to Darlington?     
Over the last nine years at Darlington, I have grown so much as a person. I have matured considerably compared to my elementary and middle school self. Also, I have gained knowledge and built relationships that will help me as my high school life comes to an end.      

Where do you want to go to college and what is your dream job?    
Most likely, I will attend JSU for my first and second year of college and try my best to transfer into Georgia Tech. Eventually, I would love to work for a big-time company in Atlanta.     


Click here to see more #SeniorSpotlights from the Class of 2022!

Find out how you can be 100% Darlington, too, by requesting a personal campus tour at www.darlingtonschool.org/visit or contacting admission@darlingtonschool.org