Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Georgia Some faculty, staff to take on new roles
Darlington School: Private Boarding School in Rome, GA
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Some faculty, staff to take on new roles

June 11, 2018 | 2260 views

The following faculty and staff members will take on new and/or additional job roles at Darlington in 2018-19:

Rebekah Kinney will serve as professional development coordinator. She has been at Darlington since 2002, serving most recently as technology integration coordinator. Previously, she was the technology integration specialist for Pre-K to 8, a fourth-grade and kindergarten teacher, and was a member of the house duty staff. Kinney holds a B.S. and an M.Ed. from Berry College. She and her husband, Owen, chairman of the science department, are the parents of Ian ('17), Elliot ('19) and Noah ('23).

Kiki Rowsey will be chair of the math department. She has taught math at Darlington since 2016 and currently leads the Faculty Professional Growth Committee. Rowsey holds a B.B.A. in Finance from the University of Georgia and an M.A. in Teaching from Emory University. She also studied abroad at Oxford University (England). She holds multiple certifications, including Gifted, AP Statistics, High School Economics, Middle Grades Social Studies and Mathematics, and High School Mathematics. 

Beth Wardlaw will serve as technology integration coordinator. She has been Darlington's technology integration specialist since 2015 and holds a B.S. in Middle Grades Education from Shorter College and an M.Ed. in Instructional Technology from Kennesaw State University. She and her husband, Andrew, are the parents of Shyann ('26), Kaleb ('26), and Bella Grace ('30).

Chad Woods will serve as dean of studies. He has taught math at Darlington since 2006 and currently serves as chairman of the math department and master scheduler. He is also head golf coach. Woods holds a B.S. and M.Ed. from the University of West Georgia. He and his wife, Lindsay, manager of the Dar Shop, have two children, Ava Ann (’26) and Barrett ('29).


Note: This article will be updated if and when current faculty and staff members take on new or additional duties for the upcoming school year. To view a list of the employment opportunities currently available at Darlington School, please click here.